AWS: Amazon Web Services

Empowering Teams and Setting your Business Apart

Este recurso foi publicado por AWS: Amazon Web Services

Despite the issues it creates for modern organisations, surprisingly few have fully acknowledged the severity of the IT skills gap. Many see it as an issue of technology department staffing, unaware that the gap affects not just IT groups but also entire organizations. Even leading enterprises are struggling to comprehend the full scope of the skills that must be added or developed to bridge the growing gap.

In the concluding volume, we focus on proven methods of empowering your people for success. As part of that guide, we’ve also included Jonathan Allen’s “12 Steps to Get from Zero to Hundreds of AWS-Certified Engineers.”



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Categorias relacionadas Centro De Dados, Big Data, Bases de Dados, Firewall, VPN, Gerenciamento de Infraestrutura, Centros de Dados, Servidor, Armazenamento, SDDC, Virtualização, Computação em Nuvem